
Purpose of the FMSJ

The objective of the Society is to contribute to the development of science and culture, as well as farm management, through the undertaking of theoretical and applied studies related to farm management.

List of Activities of the FMSJ

  1. Sponsors annual study meetings, and organizes symposia and individual research presentations.
  2. Publishes the Society's quarterly journal "Japanese Journal of Farm Management", with 4 issues in June, September, December and March.
  3. Awards the Society's prizes for significant achievements in studies on farm management.
  4. Undertakes other projects deemed necessary to achieve the Society's objectives.

History of the FMSJ

1948:The "Agricultural Management Research Society", the predecessor of the present Society, was established.

1964:The first edition of the Society's journal "Japanese Journal of Farm Management" was published.

1978:The Society's name was revised to the "Agricultural Management Research Society of Japan".

1983:The "Agricultural Management Research Society of Japan" was reorganized, becoming the "Farm Management Society of Japan", which continues today.